Saturday, September 22, 2007


The past week has been incredibly busy in preparation for Camino, a national Episcopal young adult gathering being held at Grace Cathedral. Today, lots of really wonderful people from across the country showed up, danced, sang, prayed, and learned about ways we can together work for a more just and peaceful planet. There's lots more going on tomorrow and Sunday as well.

Tonight, during a delicious meal, an entertainer/activist on a bicycle rode into the Cathedral Plaza played some sweet tunes, rapped, and got many of us up and out of our seats. Learn about this fascinating guy and his creative work here and here. My friend Jo introduced Lyra (another member of Camino's Design Team) and me to Paul at the Revolution Cafe a few weeks ago in the Mission.

Also, check out the Episcopal Life story about Camino here for more on what is to come. I'm especially excited and grateful that there's a significant group of people from Virginia in San Francisco for Camino including my good friend Paris.

Bishop Marc Andrus (who has made an important statement on the current Bishop's Meeting going on in New Orleans) will join the Camino gathering on Sunday as well.


sevenofrhymes said...

Congratulations on everything you did last weekend! Now get some rest. :)

Anonymous said...

hi will - thanks for your kind words about my bourne ultimatum piece - would be glad to hear from you to dialogue further - am always eager to connect with other like-minded souls.

gareth higgins - find me at