Thursday, March 22, 2007

Climate Crisis is creating Human Crisis

Thank God people in Washington are beginning to listen to the voices of those in this country and around the world who are urging action on global climate change. While in South Africa when I sat down next to the Bishop of Burundi who shared with me the many struggles of his people I was not at all expecting to hear him talk about global warming yet this humble, deeply prayerful man who is wrestling with violence and HIV/AIDS clearly said that one of the main causes for the hunger of his people is global climate change.

On my way home, I read in the Atlantic Monthly an article about how climate change is actually one of the causes for the horrific situation in the Sudan. You can read that article here.

Another article on the consequences of Climate Change in Africa is available here.

May our religious communities stand up, speak out and encourage real change both personally (in our daily lives) and collectively (urging our government to act) to make a difference.

Find your state/local Interfaith Power and Light and/or other faith based environmental group.

The Millennium Development Goals not only address poverty and hunger they also call for actions that ensure environmental sustainability. The climate crisis is already a human crisis. If we are going to make poverty history around the world we are going to have to change our own actions at home.

Also, you may want to check out Randall Balmer's article on the subject of climate change over at God's Politics.

1 comment:

bishop marc said...

will, this is such a crucial, if not THE crucial issue facing the world. i'm grateful for your highlighting what has been impressed on your heart.