Friday, July 20, 2007

Angelic Troublemakers on Episcopal Cafe

My most recent post is up at Episcopal Cafe. Please check it out, leave a comment and tell us about the Angelic Troublemakers you are inspired by.

“We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers.”
Bayard Rustin


Dave said...

I was trying to find out about the emerging church movement and whether it, or part of it was gay-friendly. Somehow or other I stumbled across your site and long story short, welcome to my blogroll!

As far as angelic troublemakers go, I'd have to agree on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and I also include Sojourner Truth and Raoul Wallenberg among that number. And the entire nation of Denmark—would that more whole societies could rise as one and do the right thing in the face of oppression!

Dave said...

I was trying to find out about the emerging church movement and whether it, or part of it was gay-friendly. Somehow or other I stumbled across your site and long story short, welcome to my blogroll!

As far as angelic troublemakers go, I'd have to agree on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and I also include Sojourner Truth and Raoul Wallenberg among that number. And the entire nation of Denmark—would that more whole societies could rise as one and do the right thing in the face of oppression!