Sunday, February 11, 2007

wing and a prayer

The Episcopal Church's new Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has been getting some encouraging press coverage recently which, after a lot of beating and bruising from a few of our disappointed and angry family members, gives us progressives hope that our church may be on the verge of renewal and growth. There is so much for the people of God to tend to --- from caring for the weak and vulnerable to reaching out to our neighbors in love who may feel lost, alone, and/or yearn for meaning, wholeness, and direction. We're in the midst of a global climate crisis, HIV/AIDS is ravaging Africa, and the Middle East is on fire with violence and war --- I long for a time when the church might work together for the alleviation of global human suffering rather than spending so much time, energy, and money arguing amongst ourselves. Please pray for the leadership of the Anglican Communion and pray for those on the ground throughout the world in churches, missions, Bible studies, schools, and seminaries that we might all seek above all else the Kingdom of God --- that realm of justice and love Jesus teaches his disciples about, which we pray so often will come on Earth as is in Heaven.

Read the stories about Katharine Jefferts Schori in the USA Today and The New York Times.

Order Katharine Jefferts Schori's new book "Wing and a Prayer"

Better yet, if you are one of those New York Times reading types that cheers the Episcopal Church on from a safe distance for our progressive stands but rarely enters our doors, find a church in your neighborhood and become part of this messy but beautiful global family. As our signs say "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You."

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